Hola a todos!
Mientras que la web llega, he abierto un Myspace donde se pueden escuchar tres canciones, Lapland, Seychelles y For all these years.
Otra novedad es que sustituiremos a Debrrrrr en el cartel del Stereoscene 06... es magnífico que el primer concierto de the Baltic Sea vaya a ser en un escenario grande, con un equipo de sonido grande y en un festival con grupos tan grandes como Farrah o Avantgarde!! (gracias a David que cree ciegamente en nostros!)
Será el dia 6 de Mayo, sábado. En el Colegio Mayor Maese Rodrigo (avda, Olmos sn) en Mairena del Aljarafe, a 10 minutos de Sevilla. seremos los encargados de abrir el festival, sobre las 18:00.
La banda Milk nos sustituye en la fiesta de presentacion de la sala Ego, el jueves 4 de Mayo.
Hi there everyone!
The website is almost ready but, in the meantime, I've opened a Myspace where three of The Baltic Sea tracks can be listened to, Lapland, Seychelles and For all these years.
Another piece of news is that we are playing at Stereoscene 06, in the place of Debrrrrr, who unfortunately can't perfom that day. It's great that the Baltic Sea's first gig ever is in such a great stage with such great bands as Farrah or Avantgarde. (thanks to David who blindly believe in us).
It'll take place next May 6th (saturday) .At Colegio Mayor Maese Rodrigo (Olmos Ave) in Mairena del Aljarafe, 10 minutes far from Sevilla. We'll be in charge of opening the sow at 18:00.
Milk will take our place at the presentation party of the 4th of May, at ego venue in Sevilla.
Gracias! Thank you!